Website Development

Your website will be the hub of your online business. Creating it correctly is job one. At BitCommunications, we use the latest tools and techniques to make sure your site will succeed for years to come. And yes, how it looks is important, but there are other factors that are just as important. For example, your on-page optimization, your links to social networks, and your sales funnels are critical to taking full advantage of the Online Marketing opportunity.

Online PurchasingYes, you want a great looking site. We use WordPress and premium themes (templates) that we can customize to meet your marketing goals. You need to stand out in your market, so your site must exceed the bar that has been set by your competition. This almost goes without saying. A great looking site is basic to your success.

And remember, your site is a living, breathing entity. It is never done. And as the marketplace changes you will need to be ready to adapt. Not only in terms of site design, but in terms of functionality that takes advantage of the latest techniques in website development.

That’s one reason we use WordPress as our Content Management System (CMS). That’s just a fancy world for “website builder.” Not only does it offer the latest functionality, but it’s open architecture means we can adapt and customize your site as needed to keep up and overtake the marketplace that you are in.

Using WordPress also means you can be part of the site building if you want to. Adding content is easy with it’s word-processor like interface and built in blogging functionality. We can work together, with you adding content and our team providing the backend development and coding as required.

Mobile Ready

And every site we build looks great on mobile devices and tablets. More and more, people will visit your site through smart phones and iPads and other devices. Your site must look great and be easy to navigate on these devices too. We make sure your site is mobile ready.

The Process

Yes building a successful website is a process. It begins with Market Research and understanding your particular market, including keywords being used, and level of competition. Without making a connection to your potential customers, what I call “meeting them where they are now,” your site won’t get enough traffic to succeed. Knowing how to connect with your prospects via the keyword phrases they use to search for solutions, is a key ingredient in website success.

And knowing how to beat your competition, both in the search engines, and also when they get to your site, is the next critical ingredient. An evaluation of the competition, and their online marketing competency, is so important if you want to get and maintain your visitor’s attention. After all, they can quickly compare your site to theirs, so you MUST know what your site needs to compete with and beat the competition.

And once someone gets to your site the real job begins. You must engage them and give them what they are looking for. Otherwise they will be gone and off to the next website quicker than you can say “back button.” That’s when understanding your Sales Cycle is critical. If you can’t move people to make a decision in your favor, then all your efforts getting them to your site have been wasted.

And at the very least, you must move them into your Sales Funnel so that you can build a relationship with them. If they don’t buy on this particular visit, you want to at least capture their email so that you can begin a relationship and maybe get them to buy on their next visit. Learn more about that Sales Funnel here.

That’s why Conversion is such a big word in our vocabulary. The say content is king. Sure, the right content is important, but converting your visitors into customers is the ultimate goal. So knowing what needs to be on your site to do that, is an important part of a successful site’s development. This is where thorough Market Research pays off.

To learn more about our complete Site Building Process you can visit this page.